Sarah W, age 6, comes from CA to work with Don for 5 days- Day 3
Sarah W, age 6, comes from CA to work with Don for 5 days- Day 3
Day 3: Friday 1 July 2011
1. odd+even = odd, and oddxeven=even tables below came from Sarah making a mistake when multiplying an odd# x an even# and got an odd number. They discussed making mistakes, we're not perfect.
Sarah's #3 quote: “The fun part of knowing things is learning things”.
Sarah’s quote #2 "You must be an alien if you don't make mistakes."
Don continuously was impressed with Sarah’s understanding of learning things.
2. Sarah brought in her small dog that she made at "home" and she & Don built her big
dog. They had an assembly line. They glued the 2x2x2 cube for each 1x1x1 cube in the
small dog.
3.Finding PATTERNS in exponents: See Sarah's 1st identity for exponents, which shows multiplying powers gives the sum of the exponents
A^R*A^T= A^(R+T)
4. Sarah's 2nd identity for exponents involves the division of powers and gives the difference of the exponents:
A^R/A^T= A^(R-T)